Gay sex memes pictures

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Falsely portraying this young girl and child star as a raging homicidal bigot is heinous, and Brown deleting her Twitter to avoid this maelstrom is a logical response to the internet’s festering orgy of toilet humor. On the surface, the meme is shocking and in poor taste. These claims are part of the #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown meme, which consists of low-effort pictures - usually screengrabs from Brown’s Snapchat - pasted over with absurdly homophobic statements. Just like no one honestly believes that Millie Bobby Brown bullies gay men by sliding into their texts and dropping f-bombs (the one that rhymes with maggots).īut what people don’t believe doesn’t really matter, as Millie Bobby Brown, the 14-year-old star of Netflix’s Stranger Things, deactivated her Twitter account this week, reportedly in response to assertions like these. Just like no one honestly believes Millie Bobby Brown throws piping hot McCafés at people who wear pride T-shirts at McDonald’s. No one honestly believes Millie Bobby Brown runs over gay men with new cars.

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