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The second thing you need is a victim who's 'reliable' a reliable victim is someone who's already been abused to the point where, if they do speak out, who on Earth is going to believe them? And who on Earth is going to believe Kevin Young, the pauper's son, who has been in and out of care, who's a knife-wielding thug, a bully?' That is how a number of care home reports described Young, but he insists he was a quiet, over-obedient boy. One, anonymity or silence – if you can't carry out your act without people knowing, you're not going to be at it very long. 'By successful, I mean without being prosecuted. 'There are two things that are important to successfully sexually abuse somebody,' Young says. Young was one of a handful of new inmates sent to work in the kitchen with Husband. Young later discovered that Husband had asked for his file – he wanted to know everything about him most importantly, whether he had family who were likely to visit him. The morning after he arrived at Medomsley, Young was lining up for breakfast when he was picked out of the queue by Neville Husband, the officer who ran the kitchen.

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